How can you improve your credit rating

There are a number of things you can do to raise your credit score but it may take some time and effort: It’s important to note that raising your credit score takes time, results may not be noticeable for several… Read more

10 Personal Finance Questions and Answers

What is a budget and why is it crucial to personal finance? A budget is a strategy for controlling your finances. It is a thorough accounting of all your earnings and outgoings that enables you to see where your money… Read more

Steps to Create a Financial Model

Using an excel spreadsheet or specialist software financial modelling is the act of constructing a mathematical representation of a financial decision or scenario.This illustration—often referred to as a financial model—is employed to forecast a business’s financial performance and to assess… Read more

20 common mistakes people make with their personal finances

Not making a budget: It might be challenging to comprehend where your money is going and make wise decisions about how to manage it in the absence of a budget. Not saving enough for emergencies: Without an emergency fund unforeseen… Read more

Econometrics and statistics

For the analysis and interpretation of economic data two closely linked disciplines are used statistics and econometrics. The use of statistical techniques on economic data is known as econometrics. To estimate economic models and test economic relationship assumptions, statistical and… Read more

Corporate finance

The area of finance known as “corporate finance” focuses on the financial choices and operations of corporation. It is focused on how companies acquire capital make investments and control their financial risk. Corporate finance’s main objective is to increase a… Read more

Currency markets

Foreign exchange (forex) markets, often known as currency markets, are international marketplaces where people organisations and governments can purchase and sell various currencies. The exchange rate between two currencies determines a currency’s worth. The US dollar, the Euro, the Japanese… Read more

Best universities for finance in USA

It is difficult to narrow down the top 50 institutions in the United States that provide outstanding finance programmes because they can vary from year to year depending on the ranking methodology and criteria. Among the most reputable financial programmes… Read more

Credit analysis

The process of determining a borrower’s creditworthiness is called credit analysis. Assessing the risk of default and choosing the right interest rate and terms for a loan or other sort of credit facility are the two main objectives of credit… Read more

Microfinance and impact investing

The provision of financial services such as loans, savings accounts and insurance, to people and small enterprises without access to standard banking services is known as microfinance. These services are offered to those who are often viewed as being too… Read more
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