Privacy Policy

Customers personal information will be safeguarded at our website ( as we respect their right to confidentiality & place a high emphasis on maintaining their privacy. This policy on privacy outlines how we gathering, use and share personal information as well as how you can exercise your privacy rights and control the information we collect about you.

A website should have a privacy policy that explains how it gathers, uses and safeguards the personal information of its users. A privacy policy is a legal document.It is essential for websites to provide consumers with a privacy policy that is not only understandable but also succinct in order to tell users about the information that is being gathered, how it is being used and how it is being secured. In the privacy policy it should be made clear to users what rights they have and how they can exercise control over the information that is being gathered about them. It is essential for websites to ensure that they are in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations, as well as to have an open & honest policy regarding the privacy procedures they employ.

A website’s privacy policy could detail the many kinds of information that the website gathers about its visitors.This can include personal information such as names, email addresses and phone numbers as well as information about the activities that users engage in while using the site such as the sites that they visit and the links that they click on.Some websites may also collect information on the devices used by users including their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, types of browsers and operating systems. In addition websites may make use of tracking technology such as cookies & other tracking technologies in order to gather information about the preferences and browsing habits of users.It is essential for a privacy policy to include a detailed explanation of the different kinds of information that are being gathere as well as the purposes for which this information is being utilised.

What personal information do we collect?

When you create an account with us, place an order or contact us for help we may gather personally identifiable information about you. This information may include your name, address, email address and phone number.When you make a purchase from us, we may additionally collect information regarding your method of payment such as the details of your card and payment method.

When you access our website we may also collect information about your browsing activity and device. This information may include your IP address the type of browser you use & information about the device you are using. In addition to this we might gather this information through the use of technologies such as cookies & tracking tags.

How do we use your personal information?

The privacy policy of our website ( explains in general terms the purpose for which we collect and use personal information in the course of our business. Listed below are a few instances that illustrate how one’s personal information could be used.Your personal information may be used by us for a variety of reasons including the following:

  • In order to complete and process orders as well as deal with customer returns & exchanges.
  • To keep you informed about your account orders & any other issues that are relevant to our company.
  • To provide support to customers as well as manage their questions & complaints.
  • To make your time spent on our website as enjoyable and useful as possible by for example making product or contents recommendations based on the pages you’ve visite in the past.
  • To enhance the quality of our products and services as well as our website.
  • We may use personal information to complete orders, process payments or offer access to particular features or content in order to provide the services or products that users desire. 6) To provide the services or products that users request:
  • We may utilise personal information to tailor content or recommendations or to optimise the operation of our website in order to improve the user experience & provide a better overall service.
  • To facilitate communication with users: We might use users personal informations to send them updates, newsletters & other types of communications.
  • To advertise to users or market our services to them. We may use personal information to offer targeted advertisements and marketing materials to users.
  • To fulfil our legal responsibilities, In order to fulfil our legal responsibilities, we may use personal information, such as by complying with laws, rules or legal requirements.

It is important for a our website ( to be transparent about how it uses personal information & to only use it for purposes that are clearly disclosed in its privacy policy.

Do we share your personal information with third parties?

We may share your personal information with third parties in certain circumstances such as

1) With companies who supply us with services that are crucial in the operation of our company such as payment processors & fulfilment centres.

2) With commercial partners who provide goods or services that may be of interest to you personally or your company.

3) In order to fulfil the obligations of the law or in response to a request from law enforcement officials

We take measures to ensure that the third parties with which we collaborate will respect your right to privacy and will act responsibly when handling any personal information they have access to regarding you.

How can you exercise your privacy rights?

We have the right to access, correct, delete or object to the processing of your personal information. We also have the right to request a copy of your personal information in portable format & store them in database or files.

To exercise your privacy rights or if you have any questions & concerns about our privacy policy then please contact us using the information provided below.

How do we protect your information?

There are various measures that we can take to protect the personal information of our users. Here are a few examples:

1) Encrypting personal information : We encrypting your personal information can help to prevent unwanted access or tampering. This is one of the benefits of encrypting your informations.

2) Setting up secure servers The use of secure servers and storage systems is one method that can assist in preventing unwanted access to or disclosure of personally identifiable information.

3) Installing Firewalls: Firewalls are useful tools that can assist prevent unauthorised access to the servers and systems of a website.

4) Implementing access controls : We may help prevent unauthorised access to personal information by implementing access controls such as user login credentials and two-factor authentication. These restrictions include the following:

5) Keeping security measures up to date on a regular basis It is essential that the security measures on our website be kept up to date on a regular basis in order to protect against any new vulnerabilities or threats .

The privacy policy on our site should detail the precautions we take to safeguard users personal information & advise visitors on how they can do the same.

Please use the following contact information to get in touch with us if you have any questions and/or complaints about this privacy policy or how we manage your personal information.
Company Name: Business Support Services
Location: Mumbai, India

You may also get in touch with us by submitting a form on our site and/or by messaging us on one of our social media pages.We promise to get back to you as soon as possible regarding your inquiry.

We reserve the right to modify these Privacy Policy at any time. This Privacy Policy was last modified on 08/01/2023

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