What is Physics?

The natural science of physics is concerned with the study of matter, energy, motion and force. All other natural disciplines such as chemistry, geology and astronomy, are built upon it. Newton’s laws of motion, the rule of conservation of energy… Read more

Quantum mechanics

The area of physics known as quantum mechanics studies how matter and energy behave at the atomic and subatomic scales. It is a mathematical framework that explains how particles like protons and electrons behave and interact with energy. Quantum mechanics… Read more


The study of the characteristics, behaviour and evolution of celestial objects and phenomena, such as stars, galaxies, planets and black holes falls under the category of astrophysics. To comprehend the physical processes that control the universe it blends the concepts… Read more

Nuclear physics

The area of physics known as nuclear physics studies the characteristics and behaviour of the atomic nucleus the protons and neutrons-containing centre of an atom. The study of nuclear physics is centre on the forces that hold protons and neutrons… Read more

Condensed matter physics

Condensed substance the area of physics known as physics is concerned with the characteristics and conduct of matter in its solid and liquid phases. It includes a wide range of subfields including solid-state physics, materials science, condensed matter theory and… Read more

Particle physics

The area of physics known as particle physics examines the characteristics and actions of subatomic particles including protons, neutrons and electrons as well as the particles that interact with them such photons and neutrinos. As it frequently involves particles with… Read more


The area of physics known as geophysics is concerned with the investigation of the physical characteristics and functions of the Earth and its surroundings. To comprehend the structure, composition and movement of the Earth it blends the principles of physics… Read more


The field of physics known as biophysics uses physics’ concepts and techniques to comprehend biological systems and events. It is a multidisciplinary field that studies the physical and chemical principles underpinning biological processes by fusing the concepts and methods of… Read more

Type of Chemistry

There are numerous varieties of chemistry, each with a distinct purpose and set of uses. Several instances include: These are only a few of the numerous varieties of chemistry that exist. To the larger science of chemistry and its applications… Read more

Organic Chemistry

The area of chemistry known as “organic chemistry” is responsible for studying substances with carbon-hydrogen bonds, sometimes referred to as “organic compound”. These substances include among many others hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. The study of organic chemistry is… Read more
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