Food for kids to gain weight

There are several foods that can be advantageous for kids seeking to acquire weight. Here are a few illustrations: While these foods may help children who need to gain weight, it’s crucial to remember that they should also be part… Read more

Foods That Are Healthy

Fruits: including melons, citrus, berries, apples and tropical fruits. Vegetables: Leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes and root vegetables are examples of vegetables. Whole grains: whole wheat bread, quinoa, oats, brown rice etc. Lean proteins: Fish, chicken, turkey, tofu… Read more

Why Your Brain Needs Water

Maintains proper brain function: Maintaining proper brain function requires adequate hydration. The brain needs water to function correctly because it is around 73% water. Poor cognitive function such as issues with memory, problem-solving and decision-making can result from dehydration. Read more

Importance of Water in Human Body

Water is crucial for maintaining overall health and wellbeing and is necessary for human life. The following are some of the key roles that water plays in the human body: Dehydration can result in a variety of health issues, so… Read more

How much water should I drink per day?

Drinking at least 8 glasses or around 2 litres of water each day is generally advised.This is almost the same as 64 ounces or half a gallon. It’s crucial to remember that this is simply a general recommendation and that… Read more

Unhealthy Foods

Processed foods: Foods that have been processed such as frozen meals, packaged snacks and fast food. Fried foods: meals that are fried, such as fish, chicken and fries. Drinks with added sugar: soda, juice and energy drinks. Read more

20 benefits of eating a balanced diet

For optimum health a balanced diet that consists of a range of foods from each category is crucial. Consuming a variety of foods in moderation and being aware of portion sizes are key. Maintaining a healthy weight, preventing chronic diseases… Read more

Bread: Is it bad for you?

Although it is a common dish in many cultures, bread does have some drawbacks.One drawback is that it contains a lot of carbohydrates which if consumed in excess, can lead to weight gain and other health issues. In addition a… Read more

Health Benefits of Bread

Healthy: Carbohydrates which are found in bread give the body energy. A particularly strong source of vitamins and minerals including fibre, iron and B vitamins is whole wheat bread. Versatile: From toast in the morning to sandwiches for lunch to… Read more

Seasonal food calendar

You can use a seasonal food calendar as a reference to learn when certain fruits and vegetables are in season. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables can provide a number of advantage including: Here is an illustration of an American seasonal… Read more
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