What types of vegetables fall into cruciferous vegetables?

The Brassicaceae family includes a category of vegetables known as cruciferous vegetables. Typical veggies in this category include the following:

  • Broccoli: This vegetable is rich in potassium, folate and vitamins K and C.
  • Cauliflower: This vegetable has small levels of other vitamins and minerals but is high in vitamin C and folate.
  • Cabbage: This vegetable is a rich source of fibre and is high in vitamins K, C and B6.
  • Kale: This leafy green is rich in calcium, iron and the vitamins K, A and C.
  • Brussels sprouts: Rich in fibre, vitamin K and vitamin C are these tiny, green vegetables.
  • Collard greens: These leafy greens are rich in calcium, iron and the vitamins K and A.
  • Bok choy: Also referr to as Chinese cabbage, bok choy is rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C.
  • Arugula: This leafy green is rich in potassium, folate and vitamins A and K.
  • Mustard greens: These leafy greens are rich in calcium, iron and the vitamins A, K and C.
  • Radish: Rich in potassium, folate and vitamin C, this root vegetable.
  • Turnips: are a root vegetable that are rich in potassium, vitamin K and vitamin C.
  • Rapeseed: Also referr to as broccoli rabe, this leafy green is rich in calcium, iron and the vitamins A, K and C.
  • Watercress: This leafy green is rich in calcium, iron and the vitamins A and K.
  • Wasabi: This leafy green condiment is made from the wasabi plant’s stem which is rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C.
  • Horseradish: The root vegetable horseradish is rich in potassium, vitamin K and vitamin C.

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