What are seasonal vegetables and fruits?

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are those that are cultivated and harvested at particular seasons of the year, usually when their flavour and nutritional value are at their best. Depending on the region and environment different food varieties may have varied growing season.

Here are a few illustrations of seasonal fruits and vegetables:

  • Summer: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, corn, berries and stone fruits like peaches and plums
  • Spring: asparagus, artichokes, peas, radishes, lettuce and spinach
  • Fall: Pumpkins, sweet potatoes, winter squash, Brussels sprouts and apples are among seasonal foods.
  • Winter: cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower as well as root vegetables like carrots, beets and turnips

Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables can provide a number of advantages include:

  • They are healthier, fresher and more tasty
  • It might be less expensive
  • It helps the local economy and farmers
  • The environment will benefit.

Remember that the seasonal produce may vary by country and area, so it’s always a good idea to check with your local farmers market or grocery shop.

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