How to Store Leafy Greens?

There are different ways to store leafy greens which will help green remain as fresh as possible for a long time.

  • Thorough wash and dry the greens: Remove dirt or debris from the leaf greens before storing them by fully washing and drying them. Make sure that the greens are totally dry before using them because any addition moisture may cause them to decay.
  • Store them in plastic bag: To remove any excess moisture from the greens place them in plastic bag along with paper towel & store in refrigerater. This prevents the greens from become mouldy or wilted as a result of being expose to moisture.
  • Store them in the refrigerater: Keep the plastic bag that contains the leaf greens in the refrigerater preferably in the crisper or in a bin specifically design for vegetables.
  • Ensure they are properly store: Some leafy greens like spinach, arugula and kale are more sensitive than other so it is recommend that you keep them in a plastic bag with holes or in wet towel.
  • Keep check on them: It is important to do so as the greens & to use them as soon possible since as time pass they will begin to wilted and decaying.

With these easy procedures you’ll be able to keep leafy greens for a week depend on the type of greens you buy and when you purchase them.

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